What can we do to help the birds?

There are many ways you can help birds. Let's start with some simple options:

  1. Learn about them! As you learn about birds and understand how important they are for us and for the planet, you will be able to share this information, so more people will respect and take care of our birds, like you do.
    In agreement with the authors of the book, you can find here and download the digital book (PDF), “Aves de El Salvador” (Quiteño et al., 2017).
    Here below you can also find a brochure of basic information about birds that is open for its distribution.
  2. Don't buy them or keep birds as pets! Birds need to be free, flying and by keeping them locked up, the only thing we do is to make them suffer, at the cost of our selfishness. Birds are more beautiful in the wild and we need them there, let appreciate them as they should be. Around 77% of captured parrots die before reaching the hands of a consumer (Cantú et al., 2007) , do not be part of this illegal traffic that is killing our birds.
  3. Add some water in your garden so they can drink it and take baths, birds love that! You can also add some bird’s feeders and varied fruit so they will frequent your garden often. Be careful, make sure the birds are safe and do not leave pets loose around.
  4. If you have cats, don't let them loose! Outdoor cats generate approximately 1.3 to 4.0 billion bird’s mortality, annually. (Loss et al. 2012)
    If you let your cat out for a while, put on it a very noticeable collar with bright colors that can alert any bird before being attacked and so they could escape. Make sure the collar is safe for your cat, too. Contact us if you want to see some designs and buy some! You can also (but not preferable) put on your cat a collar with a bell.
  5. How can you help the pigeons that you find on the ground? First, check how old could this offspring be. When they are chicks, without feathers, very small and with difficulty moving, they need to be in the nest to survive. On the other hand, if you find a fledged chick, it may be a juvenile old enough to leave the nest, but may be having difficulties learning to fly.
    If you find the baby chick, and you see the nest nearby, try to pick it up very carefully and put it in a container shaped similar to the nest. You can make small holes in the container so that water will not accumulate. Place the “new” nest in the tree closest to where you found it, and carefully place the chick in it. In two hours, check to see if the parents have approached the new nest. If the parents do not arrive at all, it is most likely an orphan pigeon, and in this case, you must take it to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN).
    If the bird you found is a juvenile learning to fly, leave it on the ground and do not touch it, unless it is in danger (street, cars, cats, dogs). If it is in danger, move it to the nearest tree, and in a high place, where will not be easy for other animals to reach.
  6. Help the injured birds you may find. If you see an adult bird that cannot fly or is hurt, you should carefully take it with a towel, and place it in box (with holes that allow breathing) or in a kennel. Call immediately or take it to the MARN so they can check it and rescue it. In the meantime, you can offer the bird some water or oral serum.
  7. Never hurt or try to catch a bird!, and don't let anyone else do it either. If you see children “playing” by hurting the birds, stop them and explain why they shouldn't. If you see adults trying to capture wild birds, report them!!! Remember that it is illegal.
  8. Join the bird watching activities! It's fun and it helps to generate status updates, and other data from wild birds that can be used for future conservation programs.
  9. Plant native trees. This is a great direct contribution by which you can attract more birds to your home, provide them shelter, food, and help to restore their environment!
  10. In your home and/or office, place stickers on doors and glass windows to prevent accidents in birds. You can also check:
  11. In general, protect bird’s ecosystems in your daily routine. Reduce your plastic consumption, reuse and recycle everything as much as you can. Promote and support conservation programs. Ask local governors to improve and update wildlife protection laws. Make a change!
  12. Donate to this or other institutions that support conservation, not only of birds, but of our entire environment. All funds from non-profit organizations are oriented towards the implementation of conservation strategies that are most needed to protect our ecosystems. If you have the possibility, support us.